April 10, 2013 at 4:51 p.m.
Letter: Everyone should benefit from gaming industry
Dear Sir,
The Bermuda Hospitality Gaming Training Center (BHGTC) agree with former director of Tourism Glenn Bean on a number of points [BDA Sun, March 27].
However, we are of the opinion that Bermuda and Bermudians will fully benefit for generations to come by being allowed to invest in every aspect of the extension of our Tourism and Hospitality industry.
Bermudians must be properly trained in advance in order to be in a position to take advantage of the numerous employment opportunities that the gaming industry will provide.
We also believe that the structure/format of the gaming industry should be a matter of serious examination so as to give all of Bermuda an opportunity to embrace and benefit from this contemplated industry.
We also believe that Bermuda should be a wonderful experience for our quest continuously not merely seasonally.
Steve Simons
Bermuda Hospitality Gaming Training Center
website: www.
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