April 26, 2013 at 5:44 p.m.
Letter: Thanks for giving me the VIP treatment, it’s appreciated
Dear Sir,
The VIP Excellence Awards night [Saturday, April 13] was a fabulous event!
I would like to thank the VIP Executive team, as well as VIP Production team.Hip Hip Hooray to each of you.
It is an honour beyond belief to win the Transportation Award. I was also selected as one of the three finalist for the $10,000.00 prize.
I was nominated as a bus operator — not a driver, (ha ha ha)! It is hard work, that is why I am so so so very touched to be recognized as a winner.
I would like to thank the Tourism Department, the sponsors, as well as my outstanding co-workers.
I would like to give a special thank you to each and every person local and our foreign guests who nominated me — thank you so very much.
I would like to thank the management of the Department of Public Transportation for continued support.
I would like to acknowledge my mother Leonette Anderson Clarke who had prepared the foundation of love, support, and acceptance as her child.
A special thank you for my aunt Winnifred Simons Smith who was there in place of my mother who could not attend.
A rewarding thank you to my late grandmother Sylvia (Tonta) Anderson Simons, who influenced me to always be the best person I can be. ‘Always be kind, respectful, show love, treat them as if they are your loved one and always remember son, you never know what a person is going through in life, so by you bringing a little smile from them you have done your job!’
‘Never mind the negative, you’re sometimes going to get. They might even try to bring you down. It’s an obstacle you will overcome! Learn to be strong, move forward with a positive attitude and you will shine!’
I love and miss you grandma! Thank you for your words of wisdom. And I know you’re always watching over me.
To my loving grandma Valancia Sharpe Manning, thank you for coming into my life and showing your unconditional love, support, encouragement, and words of wisdom.
My father Neil Virgil, thank you.
My adopted father Ronald Trott, thank you. My Godparents Willard ‘Cap’ Bassett, Valerie Evans, Dianne Richardson, Ann Fox and the Late Pop Cann, thank you all for your unconditional love and support.
To the Government of Bermuda, Minister Dunkley, Minister Crockwell and the Permanent Secretary Mr Richardson, please, please, please my only request is we need high tech cameras with audio on the buses.
I know the new buses which are coming in soon have them, but... we need all of the buses to be installed with these cameras, please.
For the safety of your staff, locals and tourists, it’s very needed.
In conclusion I would like to congratulate all nominees and finalists — we are all winners.
What a Fabulous night!
Mark Anderson,
Bus Operator
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